Η εκλογή της Σόφι είναι μια ταινία του 1982 που βασίζεται σε μια νουβέλα του William Styron. Οι φρικιαστικές αναμνήσεις μιας Πολωνής επιζήσασας του Ολοκαυτώματος,
της Sophie Zawistowska (Meryl Streep), έρχονται να αναστατώσουν και να
στοιχειώσουν τη ζωή της στη Νέα Υόρκη. Η αγάπη της για τον Nathan Landau
(Kevin Kline), έναν γοητευτικό και χαρισματικό, αλλά βυθισμένο στις
παραισθήσεις Αμερικανο-Εβραίο χημικό (ο οποίος βασανίζεται από εμμονές
για το Ολοκαύτωμα), είναι ένας από τους λόγους που την κάνουν να
συνεχίζει να ζει. Πιστεύει ότι της αξίζει η μεταχείριση που υπομένει από
αυτόν, γιατί οι επιλογές που έκανε ήταν τόσο καταστροφικές, που πρέπει
με κάποιο τρόπο να εξιλεωθεί. Ανάμεσα στα δικά της φαντάσματα του
παρελθόντος και τις δικές του πνευματικές διαταραχές που απειλούν να
καταστρέψουν την τόσο απαραίτητη για τους ίδιους, αλλά ταραγμένη και
κάποιες φορές βίαιη σχέση τους, βρίσκεται ο νεοφερμένος στην πόλη
συγγραφέας και κοινός τους φίλος, Stingo (Peter MacNicol), ο οποίος
αφηγείται την ιστορία (ακούγεται η φωνή του Josef Sommer) φιλτραρισμένη
μέσα από τη δική του οπτική γωνία και άποψη και αποτελεί το alter ego
του συγγραφέα του βιβλίου, William Styron.
Σκηνοθεσία: Alan J. Pakula
Πρωταγωνιστούν: Meryl Streep, Kevin Kline, Peter MacNicol, Rita Karin, Stephen D. Newman
Διάρκεια: 150'
Κατηγορία: Δράμα
In 1947, the movie's narrator, Stingo (Peter MacNicol), relocates to Brooklyn in order to write a novel and is befriended by Sophie Zawistowski (Meryl Streep), a Polish immigrant, and her lover, Nathan Landau (Kevin Kline).
One evening, Stingo learns from Sophie that she was married but her husband and her father were killed in a German work camp and that she was interned in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Nathan is constantly jealous, and when he is in one of his violent mood swings he convinces himself that Sophie is unfaithful to him and abuses and harasses her. There is a flashback showing Nathan rescuing Sophie from near death from anemia shortly after her immigration to the U.S.
Sophie eventually reveals that her father was a Nazi sympathizer. Sophie had a lover, Józef (Neddim Prohic), who lived with his half-sister, Wanda (Katharina Thalbach), a leader in the Resistance. Wanda tried to convince Sophie to translate some stolen Gestapo documents, but fearing she might endanger her children, she declined. Two weeks later Józef was murdered by the Gestapo, and Sophie was arrested and sent to Auschwitz with her children. Upon arrival, Sophie is forced to choose which one of her two children is gassed and which proceeds to the concentration camp. To avoid having both children killed, she chooses Jan (Adrian Kaltika), her son, to be sent to the children's camp, and her daughter, Eva (Jennifer Lawn), to be sent to her death in Crematorium Two.
Nathan tells Sophie and Stingo that the research that he is doing at the pharmaceutical company is so groundbreaking that he will win the Nobel Prize.
At a meeting with Nathan's physician brother, Stingo learns that Nathan is mentally ill (paranoid schizophrenic) and that all of the "research facilities" that Nathan has worked at have been "expensive funny farms." (He has a job in the library of a pharmaceutical firm, which his brother got for him, and occasionally helps researchers with their research, but otherwise, is not one at all.)
After Nathan discharges a firearm over the telephone in a violent rage, Sophie and Stingo flee to a hotel. She reveals to him the tragic episode of the choice between her children in Auschwitz. Sophie and Stingo make love, but while Stingo is sleeping, Sophie, tormented by her memory, returns to Nathan, where both Sophie and Nathan commit suicide by taking cyanide.
Stingo moves away from Brooklyn and into a small farm his father recently inherited in southern Virginia to finish writing his novel.
Σκηνοθεσία: Alan J. Pakula
Πρωταγωνιστούν: Meryl Streep, Kevin Kline, Peter MacNicol, Rita Karin, Stephen D. Newman
Διάρκεια: 150'
Κατηγορία: Δράμα
In 1947, the movie's narrator, Stingo (Peter MacNicol), relocates to Brooklyn in order to write a novel and is befriended by Sophie Zawistowski (Meryl Streep), a Polish immigrant, and her lover, Nathan Landau (Kevin Kline).
One evening, Stingo learns from Sophie that she was married but her husband and her father were killed in a German work camp and that she was interned in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Nathan is constantly jealous, and when he is in one of his violent mood swings he convinces himself that Sophie is unfaithful to him and abuses and harasses her. There is a flashback showing Nathan rescuing Sophie from near death from anemia shortly after her immigration to the U.S.
Sophie eventually reveals that her father was a Nazi sympathizer. Sophie had a lover, Józef (Neddim Prohic), who lived with his half-sister, Wanda (Katharina Thalbach), a leader in the Resistance. Wanda tried to convince Sophie to translate some stolen Gestapo documents, but fearing she might endanger her children, she declined. Two weeks later Józef was murdered by the Gestapo, and Sophie was arrested and sent to Auschwitz with her children. Upon arrival, Sophie is forced to choose which one of her two children is gassed and which proceeds to the concentration camp. To avoid having both children killed, she chooses Jan (Adrian Kaltika), her son, to be sent to the children's camp, and her daughter, Eva (Jennifer Lawn), to be sent to her death in Crematorium Two.
Nathan tells Sophie and Stingo that the research that he is doing at the pharmaceutical company is so groundbreaking that he will win the Nobel Prize.
At a meeting with Nathan's physician brother, Stingo learns that Nathan is mentally ill (paranoid schizophrenic) and that all of the "research facilities" that Nathan has worked at have been "expensive funny farms." (He has a job in the library of a pharmaceutical firm, which his brother got for him, and occasionally helps researchers with their research, but otherwise, is not one at all.)
After Nathan discharges a firearm over the telephone in a violent rage, Sophie and Stingo flee to a hotel. She reveals to him the tragic episode of the choice between her children in Auschwitz. Sophie and Stingo make love, but while Stingo is sleeping, Sophie, tormented by her memory, returns to Nathan, where both Sophie and Nathan commit suicide by taking cyanide.
Stingo moves away from Brooklyn and into a small farm his father recently inherited in southern Virginia to finish writing his novel.